Using Groovy to achieve something that I should be able to do in a single unix, pipped set of commands

The task is simple; I want to delete all cards off my DSLRs camera SD card that aren’t in Lightroom and thus NOT WORTHY of existing anymore.

I turned to Groovy to make this happen, but should have been able to do something with standard Unix command line tools.


def importedFiles = []

new File('/Users/jdurbin/Pictures/Lightroom Library.lrlibrary').eachFileRecurse (FileType.FILES) { file ->
  if (file.path.contains('NEF')) {
    importedFiles << file.path

new File('/Volumes/NIKON D3500').eachFileRecurse (FileType.FILES) { file ->
  if (file.path.contains('NEF')) {
    if (!importedFiles.contains(file.path)) {
      println "Deleting ${file.path}..."
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